Meet the Editors/ Main Contributors

forever years

Kirsteen McLay-Knopp

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Born in Dunedin, NZ, Kirsteen trained as a secondary school teacher and has spent the last nine years as a stay at home mother to her four children. She has also been a relief teacher, respite carer and home based carer during this time, as well as a homestay Mum to teenagers from Japan and Vietnam. She taught for five years in Japan, and taught and worked for the child sponsorship organisation Plan International for three years in Vietnam. She also spent a year in London, UK, working for the Japanese School of London.  Kirsteen speaks Japanese, Vietnamese and a little Te Reo Maori. She the Dunedin Representative for Operation Christmas Child. Kirsteen has been writing all her life and was first published at age 10 in the Otago Daily Times.  Her interests include scrapbooking, cross-stich and film. She has a passion for child advocacy and a heart to see children flourish locally and globally.

operation christmas childTo find out more about the work of Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, please see:


Sarah Wilson

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Sarah is currently a Director of Domestic Affairs by day and a blogger by night. She specializes in chaos management with her three young children but often feels that she doesn’t manage the chaos very well! In a previous life B.C (before children) she worked as a psychologist in health and in special education. Since her children arrived she has done a little teaching at the local university and she has opened a hobby design business called Gracious Design. She enjoys writing, creating, crafting and dreaming, and is a classical music and coffee enthusiast.  Sarah writes about laced with grace living, faith, family and capitivating creativity on her blog ‘Lattes Laced with Grace’ (, and she is a regular contributor to NZ Christian Mum (




2 thoughts on “Meet the Editors/ Main Contributors

  1. Hello! I hear that you are interested some articles, or blog entries from adoptive moms who breastfed. I would like to share some things that would be less likely to be said by younger moms. I suspect that most others would talk about methods to get the breasts to produce milk through the use of medications and breast pumps. I would like to share some things that may be less likely to produce a large milk supply, but are highly successful in establishing a long-term breastfeeding relationship, while stimulating a significant milk supply, which can be used in a wide variety of situations. About how many words would you like, and where should I send it? Thanks!

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