Leap into Leap Day: 29 things to do with kids on Feb. 29. By Lexi Dwyer


As the saying goes, “Leap year comes one year in four, and February has one day more.” These fun, festive ideas will help you and your kids make the most of this quadrennial event.

1. Play leapfrog. Not only is it topical, it’s also a great way to burn off energy when you’re stuck inside. Try the “Leapfrog, Leapfrog, Snake, Snake” variation, where the partners also take turns crawling through each other’s legs. Got at least four kids? Set up a race.

2. Declutter and do good. You’ve got an extra day, why not put it to good use? When organizing with kids, the key is to find a fun project that won’t take too long. Nicole Abramovici of Genius Organizing suggests enlisting your kids to help you clean your closet. “If they’re old enough, ask their opinion about what to toss. You can even have a fashion show—kids often have a great perspective and will think of unique looks and unexpected pairings.” When you’re finished, you and your child should bring the giveaway pile to a worthy recipient, like a local charity shop or homeless shelter.

3. Get out of town. Leap Day is a Monday, so if you can pull the kids from school for a long-weekend getaway, it’s worth searching online for special Leap-Day-related hotel and airline travel deals. For example, at the ART Hotel in Denver, room rates are 29% off on February 29. The Vanderbilt Grace in Newport, Rhode Island, is offering three-night stays for the price of two. And Leap-Day babies, take note: Half Moon Resort in Jamaica is offering celebrants a 29-cent room rate for February 29 (proof of birthdate is required).

4. Answer the “Why do we have Leap Day?” question. This story, originally published in Highlights magazine, explains the origins of Leap Day in concrete, kid-friendly terms.

5. Make a time capsule. Have your child create a time capsule to open on the next Leap Day. He or she can write a letter, set goals for the next few years and add a current photo or art project. Be sure to seal it securely and label it “Do not open until Leap Day 2020!”


6. Stargaze. You’re already talking about Earth’s orbit and its effect on the calendar, so why not dust off the telescope? Due to Leap Day, there will be no last-quarter moon in North America this month (see the full explanation at Space.com). But Leap-Night observers will see a faint glow called the zodiacal light, which extends upwards from the horizon in a cone shape.

Happy b

Happy Birthday, Leap Year Babies!

7. Bake cupcakes in honor of those celebrating Leap Day birthdays. As if you really need an excuse to whip up a batch of treats. Bonus points if you decorate them with frogs or the number “29.”

8. Figure out everyone’s ages in leap years. Kids are sure to laugh when they realize their parents are tweens.

(To read more of this article, please follow the link below…)
