11 Reasons Why You Should Admire Naughty Kids, by Devi Clark

Naughty kid FY

They can be loud, obnoxious and insistent on getting their own way. Or they are sly, devious and untrustworthy. Naughty kids are worth avoiding.

Or are they?

While exhausted parents may dream of the day their kids become beautifully behaved, would you really want Stepford Kids?  Would you not miss out on some of the most determined, entrepreneurial and sensitive people you’ll have the opportunity to meet.

And think about it. Were you always perfectly behaved when you were a kid? Or even now? Do you sometimes still get angry, have a tantrum or dig your heels in? Do you ever give up when the going gets tough or refuse to eat food that you think looks disgusting? Are you ever rude or impatient?

These kids are normal human beings, just like you. And some of those “naughty” traits might just turn out to be early signs of leadership when they are older. Here’s how:

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