Sideline sportsmanship: Why pushy parenting has no place on the field, by Amy McCready


When you’re a parent, the toughest thing about kids’ sports isn’t the break-of-dawn practices, the carpooling, or the team in the next town that’s a head taller than the home team. No, the biggest challenge for parents is standing on the sidelines, witnessing heart-stopping saves, crushing defeats and unfair calls — all within a culture that elevates athletic ability and dangles college scholarships almost within reach — and feeling helpless to protect our child’s feelings and dreams.

No wonder we’re so prone to pushing our kids hard and yelling not-so-helpful comments from the stands. There’s a lot at stake, from our kids’ confidence to those scholarships we secretly dream about. We’re looking out for our kids — isn’t it our job to show them how to work hard for a goal and then achieve it? Shouldn’t we help them live up to their full athletic potential so they can reap the benefits of sports participation?

It’s true there’s a lot to cheer for when it comes to athletics. Not only do our kids develop a sense of teamwork and stay in shape, they develop traits such as responsibility, accountability and resilience. And at least one study has shown that athletes perform better in school than non-athletes and are more likely to graduate, possibly due in part to the development of key values such as honesty, fair play, respect for themselves and others and adherence to rules.

(To read more of this article, follow the link below…)

Note from Forever Years Editor, Kirsteen McLay-Knopp:

The author of this article, Amy McCready, is from the USA, but the “side line parents” she talks about exist all around the world.  From a Kiwi/ New Zealand perspective, we found this wonderful video with various prominent All Blacks talking about this subject… view below.

Sonny Bill Williams gives Rugby World Cup medal to stunned 14-year-old fan


What a wonderful example and role model Sonny Bill Williams has been in looking out for 14 year old fan, Charlie Lines… even giving him his medal.  As we kiwis enjoy the All Blacks’ World Cup Victory, we should also feel proud of Sonny Bill, who changed what could have been a negative lifetime memory of being handled roughly by security guards into a positive, affirming moment where the 14 year old got to share in his favourite star’s victory.  Public figures and sports stars such as Sonny Bill Williams have such an important role to play in advocating for our children everywhere.  — Editor, Kirsteen McLay-Knopp.

The following article is from the UK Guardian.

A 14-year-old New Zealand fan Charlie Lines is now the proud owner of a Rugby World Cup winner’s medal – after an extraordinary act of generosity from Sonny Bill Williams.

Williams acted after seeing a security guard rugby tackle the boy, who had run on the pitch during the All Blacks’ lap of honour following their 34-17 Rugby World Cup final victory over Australia.

Williams, who was photographed intervening then handing the dumbfounded youngster his medal, told New Zealand’s One News afterwards: “I was walking around doing a lap of honour with the boys and a young fella came running out and he got smoked by the security guard, like full-on tackled him. I felt sorry for the little fella”.

(To read more, follow the link below…)